Monday, November 12, 2012

A little update after a long hiatus

With a growing little family, changing seasons & sheer laziness I've left this blog to itself for a while.

Irish Twins... beginning to look more and more alike. 
The girls are getting bigger by the day, my house getting messier by the minute. So many sleepless nights, & early mornings lately. Hot coffee & a warm husband have been my saving grace.

My babies love one another. This alone, makes me feel like I'm doing something right in parenting. 

As a family, we're "church-hunting." This is semi-stressful, but much needed. I'm learning to trust, trust, and trust again. So many hard lessons recently. 

Spending time with the big kid
 Splitting time between two littles is, at times, much harder than I thought it would be. That, and keeping a semi-decent looking house and hot food on the table. I'm a bit wiped these days
Lucy has been back inside more often with the changing weather

First trip to the pumpkin patch
 We made it to the pumpkin patch this year for the first time! It was near 78 degrees on the day we went. We went a whopping 81 (that's right, EIGHTY-ONE) days without rain! This is completely unheard of for Washington, but I'll take it.
It's currently pouring buckets outside, my lawn is flourishing thick & green, and the changing leaves are sloppy all over the place... THIS is the Washington I know ;)

Doesn't get much sweeter than these three

I've been working on quite a few projects lately (more on those later) through Pinterest. Thankfully Trev has been willing to help out and take the girls to give me some alone time to work.
Growing Kyla
 I'm working on slowing my life down; making less committments, and focusing on my family. Trying to be thankful for the little things & not stress about the house being messy or the checkbook being frighteningly low. Trying oh so hard to trust God & his plan for my family.

I am so thankful. I have been able to trust my body ten-fold this time around. Breast feeding didn't come without its challenges  but we fought the good fight and pushed forward. Still cloth diapering and breast feeding: I feel like super mom some days  and like a crazy mom the rest of the time. So.Thankful.
Family of FOUR
 Can I just say again how BLESSED I am?! Finally some pictures of the four of us. Gosh I am in love.
My little lady isn't a "baby" anymore

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