Monday, April 23, 2012

30 weeks

30 weeks (almost 31 now) pregnant. Those 7ish weeks are closing in on us quickly. I'm certainly having my moments of "But I just became a SAHM," "How am I going to handle TWO of them?!!", etc etc. Then there's the belly and the endless eating (I totally ate two hotdogs before writing this). I have almost no clothing that fits anymore & my make up is beginning to not match my skin tone. So, yes, if I'm the "nutella face" looking pregnant woman, let me know. (pretty sure if I get any whiter I'll be accepted in to the "Cullen" family)

As I'm getting bigger and those pesky contractions get stronger we search for things to do that aren't too physical these days. Praise the Lord the sun was shining this weekend. Nothing too much more relaxing than sitting by the fire staying warm, & watching the sun go down with Trev after Lexi is in bed. I am so thankful these days. I just cannot get enough of my family. Or my husband. I could not be thankful enough for those late night back rubs through contractions, or him helping with the cloth diaper wash & making dinner. 

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